Natural Shampoo vs Regular Shampoo: What’s The Difference?

by Anjelina Tongco

These days, hair care product companies are making it look like everything they make comes from nature. And while there may be a part of their products that do, it’s more likely that their products contain more synthetic products than natural. 

Of course, there are hair care products out there that are indeed natural, too. You just have to make sure you read the label and check out the ingredients. You could go online and see what others have to say about the product you’re eyeing. 

Is it worth doing that? Are natural shampoos any different from regular shampoos you find at the supermarket at all? Here’s what we can tell you about that. 

What’s in Natural Shampoo?

For a product to be considered natural shampoo, most of its products would have to be something found naturally occurring in the world. Most of the time, these ingredients are plant-based mixed with a few natural chemicals to make them effective at cleaning your hair and targeting hair woes, if any. 

They might still contain synthetic ingredients that are the same as the ones found in regular shampoos but there will be very little of it added to the mix. For example, a high-quality natural tea tree oil shampoo would contain tea tree oil/extract along with other plant-based ingredients but also sodium chloride as a thickening agent. Another popular variant of natural shampoo is aloe vera shampoo. On its own, aloe vera already works wonders for the hair. Some brands simply enhance this by adding an extra ingredient or two which could either be natural or synthetic. 

On the other hand, regular or non-natural shampoos contain your usual mix of chemicals that could potentially damage your hair albeit get it clean. It could also contain a few natural ingredients like essential oils and the like. 

For this reason, if you’re targeting certain hair problems, it might be best to go with a natural hair shampoo. You could also take it to the next level by switching to a natural conditioner